A question may arise in the minds of some that if Baba was such a great personage - God in fact, why should He have recourse to the begging bowl, all His lifetime? This question may be considered and replied from two standpoints.

(1) Who are the fit persons, who have a right to live by the begging-bowl? Our Shastras say that those persons, who, getting rid of, or becoming free from the three main Desires, viz.
(1) for progeny, (2) for wealth, (3) for fame, accept Sannyas, are the fit persons to live by begging alms. They cannot make cooking arrangements and dine at home.

The duty of feeding them rests on the shoulders of householders. Sai Baba was neither a householder nor Vanaprastha. He was a celibate sannyasi, i.e., sannyasi from boyhood. His firm conviction was that the universe was His home, He was the Lord Vasudev - the Supporter of the universe and the Imperishable Brahman. So, he had the full right to have recourse to the begging-bowl. (2) Now from the standpoint of (1) *Pancha-soon - five sins and their atonement. We all know that in order to prepare foodstuffs and meals, the householders have to go through five actions or processes, viz.

(1) Kandani-Pounding,
(2) Peshani-Grinding,
(3) Udakumbhi - Washing pots,
(4) Marjani - Sweeping and cleaning,
(5) Chulli-Lighting hearths.

These processes involve destruction of a lot of small insects and creatures, and thus the householders incur a lot of sin. In order to atone for this sin, our Shastras prescribe five kinds of sacrifices, viz.

(1) Brahma-Yajna,
(2) vedadhyayan - offerings to Brahman or the study of the Vedas.
(3) Pitra-Yajna-offerings to the ancestors,
(4)Deva-Yajna - offerings to the Gods,
(5) Bhoota-Yajna-offerings to the beings,
(6) Manushya-Atithi-Yajna-offerings to men or uninvited guests.

If these sacrifices, enjoined by the Shastras are duly performed, the purification of their minds is effected and this helps them to get knowledge and self-realiz