Baba was saying the below to one of his devotees

"Once a Soudagar (merchant) came here. Before him a mare passed her stool (nine balls of stool). The merchant, intent on his quest, spread the end of his dhotar and gathered all the nine balls in it, and thus he got concentration (peace) of mind". Mr. Patankar could not make out the meaning of this story; so he asked Ganesh Damodar, alias Dada Kelkar,
"What does Baba mean by this?"

He replied - "I too do not know all that Baba says and means, but at His inspiration I say, what I come to know. The mare is God's grace and the nine balls excreted are the nine forms or types of Bhakti, viz.,

(1) Shravana (Hearing);

(2) Kirtana (Praying);

(3) Smarana (Remembering);

(4) Padasevana (resorting to the feet);

(5) Archana (Worship);

(6) Namaskara (Bowing);

(7) Dasya (Service);

(8) Sakhyatva (Friendship);

(9) Atmanivedana (surrender of the self).

These are the nine types of Bhakti. If any of these is faithfully followed, Lord Hari will be pleased, and manifest Himself in the home of the devotee. All the sadhanas, viz. Japa (vocal worship), Tapa (penance), Yoga practice and studying the scriptures and expounding them are quite useless unless they are accompanied by Bhakti, i.e., devotion. Knowledge of the Vedas, or fame as a great Jnani, and mere formal Bhajan (worship) are of no avail. What is wanted is Loving Devotion.

Consider yourself as the merchant or seeker after the truth and be anxious and eager like him to collect or cultivate the nine types of devotion. Then you will attain stability and peace of mind". Next day, when Patankar went to Baba for saluation, he was asked 113 whether he collected the 'nine balls of stool'. Then he said that he, being a poor fellow, should first be graced by Baba, and then they will be easily collected. Then Baba blessed and comforted him, saying that he would attain peace and welfare. After hearing this, Patankar became overjoyed and happy.